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Concept of Statement

Concept of Statement

The statements are used to specified the instruction in a program.
 There are the following statement that can be used in C program.
 there are four types of statement ........
 iteration statement second analyzation statement third input output statement for 3rd sem matic statement with conditional statement is required equation statement justify statement is used to declare an identifier in the program the declaration of the variables can be given by such as follows Intex type name variable name sector there are the following basic data types that can be used to declare the identifiers in the program is initialisation statement and statement is used to symbolise the variable by some legal initial values input output statement the input output statement operation in an program can be performed by using following functions scanner printer printer the purpose of the function is to display any heading marcuse are the values of the variables on the Standard output devices card monitor or Vedic A visual device unit printer performance training list of variable sprinter enter the name in a equal to 60 print output if the user want to display the values of the variables they are the following format specify that can be used in a program such as follow format specifier have percentage Di percentage percentage see meaning integer floating character Note 2 display the output of a separate lines on tape sequence called new line class and can be used out today's scanner the purpose of the function is to accept the information unless to Standard Input device is called keyboard scanner controls string list of address to controlling string contain the format specifier depending upon the type of the value to be resolved the address of the variables can be obtained by using address of operator

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