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                        Introduction To Java

Java  was created by James Gosling ,Patrick nocturne ,Chris ,Frank and Mike Sheridan at Sun Microsystem .
Start in 1991 released in 1995 initially called OAK
It is an object oriented programming language can use c ,c++.

 Java being used:-

JSP- Java server pages ,applet- internet browser ,Java beans- create applications mobile games application .
 Feature of Java object oriented it support object model simple and explain OOp's
It is platform independent can be run on any operating system.
It is simple easy to understand secured protection from wireless portable run on different platform robust during the development of program.

It is robust:- During the development of program it help us to find possible mistakes as soon as possible.
Multithread can perform servant and distributed it manage the TCP and IP protocols.
 Popular Java editor :-Notepad ,NetBeans ,eclipse eclipse .
model it is a Core Java we have to know about what is class object function message
In  Java we have to know about what is class ,object ,function.
Computer program consists of two element code and data program can be conceptualizing to visit around its Core or around its data process oriented and object oriented model function data object these all are interconnected to each other object .

               Index of Java 

What to study in java:-
    Java - Basic Syntax
    Java - Object & Classes
    Java - Constructors
    Java - Basic Datatypes
    Java - Variable Types
    Java - Modifier Types
    Java - Basic Operators
    Java - Loop Control
    Java - Decision Making
    Java - Numbers
    Java - Characters
    Java - Strings
    Java - Arrays
    Java - Date & Time
    Java - Regular Expressions
    Java - Methods
    Java - Files and I/O
    Java - Exceptions
    Java - Inner classes

    Java Object Oriented
    Java - Inheritance
    Java - Overriding
    Java - Polymorphism
    Java - Abstraction
    Java - Encapsulation
    Java - Interfaces
    Java - Packages

    Java Advanced
    Java - Data Structures
    Java - Collections
    Java - Generics
    Java - Serialization
    Java - Networking
    Java - Sending Email
    Java - Multithreading
    Java - Applet Basics
    Java - Documentation

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