- Introduction to C
- Overview of C
- Variables
- Constants
- Data Types
- Identifier&Naming of an identifier
- Concept of Statements
- Operators & Expressions
- Decision Making
- Loop Controls
- Array
- Functions
- Pointer
- Storage Classes
- String Handling
- Preprocessor
- Bitwise Operator
- Structure & Union
- File Handling
C is a structured Programming Language developed by " Danis Richi " at AT & T
bell lab in U.S.A 1972.
Structured Programing Language :-
Structured Programing Language a program can be divided in to the
individual Sections and all of this sections are also called as "
Function or Modules".
A character set is permeable set of character and be classified in to different types,such as follow:-
1) Alphabet
3)Other Character
4)White spaces
5)Special Character
Concept of words:-
The meaningful set of character is known as words.
The words can be categories as:-
Keywords :- Predefine or Reserved words.
Keywords are the predefined words that can be used for their specific purpose.
There are only 32 keywords in C
For eg:- int ,for,else,if,break,continue e.t.c.
Identifiers :- User define words.
Identifiers are the userdefined words that can be used to refer the diffrent elements of a program.
For eg:- roll no.,name,age e.t.c.
Constants:- The Constant are the fixed values that remain unchanged throughout the program.
There are following types of Constant.
1)Integer Constant.
2)Floating Constant.
3)Character Constant.
4)String Constant.
Integer Constant:- An Integer Constant is composed of 0 to 9 digit , + or - sign.
For eg :- Roll no (1700)
Pin code(221001)
6 (month no)
Floating Constant:- (Real Constant)
Floating Constant is also known as real constant.
A real constant is composed of 0 to 9 digit , + or - sign and the decimal points.
For eg :- 35.5%(percentage)
3.5 kg (quantity)
Character Constant:- A Character Constant is a singla character that is enclosed with in a single quotation mark.
For eg :- 'A','P','&','+','-' e.t.c.
String Constant:- String Constantis the set of character enclosed with in a double quotation Marks.
For eg:-"Nayanika","Ck77" e.t.c.
Character Set of C
1) Alphabet
3)Other Character
4)White spaces
5)Special Character
Concept of words:-
The meaningful set of character is known as words.
The words can be categories as:-
Keywords :- Predefine or Reserved words.
Keywords are the predefined words that can be used for their specific purpose.
There are only 32 keywords in C
For eg:- int ,for,else,if,break,continue e.t.c.
Identifiers :- User define words.
Identifiers are the userdefined words that can be used to refer the diffrent elements of a program.
For eg:- roll no.,name,age e.t.c.
Constants:- The Constant are the fixed values that remain unchanged throughout the program.
There are following types of Constant.
1)Integer Constant.
2)Floating Constant.
3)Character Constant.
4)String Constant.
Integer Constant:- An Integer Constant is composed of 0 to 9 digit , + or - sign.
For eg :- Roll no (1700)
Pin code(221001)
6 (month no)
Floating Constant:- (Real Constant)
Floating Constant is also known as real constant.
A real constant is composed of 0 to 9 digit , + or - sign and the decimal points.
For eg :- 35.5%(percentage)
3.5 kg (quantity)
Character Constant:- A Character Constant is a singla character that is enclosed with in a single quotation mark.
For eg :- 'A','P','&','+','-' e.t.c.
String Constant:- String Constantis the set of character enclosed with in a double quotation Marks.
For eg:-"Nayanika","Ck77" e.t.c.
Variables In C
we want to store any information . we store it in address of the
computer address is complex so we name it and naming of address known
as variable.
Data Type In C
Data types simply refers to the type and size of data associated with variables and functions.
Data type can be either fundamental (provided in C compiler), or derived (derived from fundamental data types).
These data type are different storage capacity.
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Naming of An Identifiers
There are following points to observe in case of naming an identifier
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