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Variables in c


When we want to store any information . we store it in address of the computer address  is complex so we name it and naming of address known as variable.
Variable declaration :- data_type variable_name;
                                     Example: int x, y, z; char name;

Variable initialization :- data_type variable_name = value;

                                       Example: int x = 50, y = 30;

There are Two types of Variables in c language.

  • Local Variable.
  • Global Variable.

     Local Variable

  • The scope of local variables will be within the function only.
  • These variables are declared within the function and can’t be accessed outside the function.
  • In the below example, m and n variables are having scope within the main function only. These are not visible to test function.
  • Like wise, a and b variables are having scope within the test function only. These are not visible to main function. 

 For Example:-

void test();
int main()
   int a = 20, b = 40;
        // a,b are local variables of main function
        //a and b variables are having scope
        within this main function only.
   printf("values : a = %d and  b = %d", a, b);
void test()
   int x= 30, y = 50;
        // x, y are local variables of test function
        /x and y variables are having scope
        within this test function only.
   printf("values : x = %d and y = %d", x, y);


values : a = 20 and b = 40
values : x = 30 and y = 50

Global Variable

  • The scope of global variables will be throughout the program. These variables can be accessed from anywhere in the program.
  • This variable is defined outside the main function. So that, this variable is visible to main function and all other sub functions.
For Example:-

 Void test();
int a = 20 , b = 40;
int x = 30 , y = 50;

int main()
   printf("all variables are accessed from main function");
   printf("values : a=%d:b=%d:x=%d:y=%d",a,b,x,y);
   void test()
   printf("all variables are accessed from test function")
   printf("values: a=%d:b=%d:x=%d:y=%d",a,b,x,y);

Output:-    All variables are accessed from main function
                 values : a= 20 : b = 40 : x = 30 : y = 50
                 All variables are accessed from test function
                 values : a= 20 : b = 40 : x = 30 : y = 50

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