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Introduction to C

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  • Overview of C 
  • Variables & Constants 
  • Data Types
  • Identifier
  • Concept of Statements
  • Operators & Expressions 
  • Decision Making 
  • Loop Controls
  •  Array 
  •  Functions 
  • Pointer  
  • Storage Classes 
  • String Handling
  •   Preprocessor 
  • Bitwise Operator 
  •  Structure & Union 
  • File Handling

Introduction to C

C is a structured Programming Language developed by " Danis Richi " at AT & T
bell lab in U.S.A 1972.

Structured Programing Language :-  

In Structured Programing Language a program can be divided in to the individual Sections and all of this sections are also called as " Function or Modules".

Character Set of C

A character set is permeable set of character and be classified in to different types,such as follow:-

1) Alphabet
3)Other Character
4)White spaces
5)Special Character

 Concept of words:-
The meaningful set of character is known as words
the words can be categories as:-

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