Abhinandan come back to motherland
अभिनंदन की घर वापसी के लिए बेमिसाल उलटी गिनती - जो अपने विमान के गिर जाने के बाद दो भयावह पड़ोसियों के बीच तनाव को बढ़ाने के केंद्र बिंदु बन गए - गुरुवार को पाकिस्तान के प्रधानमंत्री इमरान खान ने संसद में घोषणा की कि उन्हें रिहा कर दिया जाएगा शांति के एक इशारे के रूप में अगले दिन।
Actually, on February 27, 2019, Pakistan was trying to target India's military prestige. Many of his aircraft were seen coming towards the Indian border, one of which was foiled by the Jabenz Wing Commander Abhinandanandan, an aircraft F16, but accidentally crashed into our MiG 21 Bison aircraft which crashed into the POK. The pilot congratulatory flight in MiG-21 was taken captive by Pakistan.
Suspense is increasing on the release of Wing Commander congratulations. Now news is coming that the congratulations have not yet reached the Attari border, the first possibility was that congratulations from 4:00 to 5:00 in the evening. It may be a comeback but after waiting for the whole day, the return of Nandan has not yet come, as the people are seeing some frustration now, sources said that due to the paperwork Being re not just may delay the release of acclamation.
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